Can frozen food be stored in refrigerator-freezer combinations?
Refrigerator-freezer combinations can be used for storing frozen food if the freezer is a true freezer (will maintain 0°F or less) and not just a freezing compartment. A better quality product will be maintained at 0°F or less. If a freezing compartment is used, store food for only one to two weeks.
Is it necessary to leave headspace in packages to be frozen?
With the exception of vegetables that pack loosely, such as broccoli and asparagus, leave adequate headspace between packed food and closure. This allows for expansion of food as it freezes.
At what temperature should the freezer be maintained?
Freeze and store foods at 0°F or less.
How long will food remain frozen if the power goes off?
Foods stay frozen longer if the freezer remains unopened, is full, is in a cool place and is well insulated. Usually food in a loaded freezer will stay frozen for two to four days, depending on its size. A half-filled freezer will keep food frozen only about 24 hours. Cover the freezer with blankets, keeping them away from the compressor, to help hold the cold.
Can food be refrozen if it has thawed?
Foods can be refrozen if at least one ot these two conditions are met: 1) Foods have only partially thawed and still have ice crystals in the package; 2) The freezer temperature has remained at 40°F or below. Before using, check to see that color and odor of the food are good. Quality of the food will be lower.
What is freezer burn?
It is dehydration or drying that occurs on the surface of a frozen product if it is improperly wrapped. The food is safe to eat but poorer quality. To prevent freezer burn, the package must be free of air and sealed airtight.
Does freezing improve the quality of food?
Freezing does not improve the quality of the product. Frozen food is only as good as the quality of the fresh food. So, select only high quality products at optimum maturity and freshness.
Does freezing kill germs?
Freezing does not kill all bacteria, yeasts and molds present in food, but it does prevent their multiplication if the food is held at 0°F or less. When thawed, the surviving organisms can multiply again.
How much food can be frozen at one time?
Add only the amount that will freeze within 24 hours, which is usually two or three pounds of food per cubic foot of storage space. Overloading slows down the freezing rate. Also, foods that freeze too slowly may lose quality.
Will food spoil if the freezer temperature is above 0°F?
Food may not spoil but the quality (color, flavor, and texture) will decrease. The higher the temperature, the faster quality will diminish.
Will food spoil if it is stays frozen longer than the recommended storage time?
No. The recommended storage time is the time in which food should be used to insure maximum quality. Food stored longer than recommended time is safe but flavor, color and texture will continue to deteriorate.
How can you be sure that your freezer is at 0°F or less?
Purchase a freezer thermometer, keep it in the freezer and check the temperature regularly.
Will it pay to buy a freezer?
A freezer is usually more of a convenience than a saving. To make the best use of it, (1) keep the freezer full, (2) use and replace the food, do not just store it, and (3) use older food first.
Is a chest or upright freezer best?
This depends on personal preference as well as available floor space. Generally speaking, the upright freezer is easier to organize and takes up less floor space. Chest freezers, however, are usually more economical to operate.
The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension has now published a 6th edition of its popular book, So Easy To Preserve. The book was reviewed and updated in 2020. Chapters in the 388-page book include Preserving Food, Canning, Pickled Products, Sweet Spreads and Syrups, Freezing and Drying.