Influence of Product-entrapped Air and Venting on Lethal Effect in Model Domestic Pressure Canner Studies²

P. Wambura¹, J.C Anderson and L.T. Walker¹

¹Dept. of Food & Animal Sciences, Alabama A&M Univ. P.O Box 1628, Normal, AL 35762-1628
²This material is based upon work supported by the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, under Agreement No. 00-51110-9762.

Paper 17H-19. Presented at the Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, July 14, 2004.


Effects of entrapped air during thermal processing on lethal effect were evaluated in three domestic canners with seven (7) quart mason jars. Entrapped air volumes in ceramic-bead products were established with various fillings of water into dry product matrix. Alternate periods of venting included none, 5, 10, and 15 min. Lethal effects were determined using thermocouples positioned near the bottom, middle, and top of model product and others outside the jars. Process pressure was monitored throughout each of the 72 runs.

Two canners (All American and Mirro models) were continuously vented during processes while the third (National Presto) was not - but was vented de facto until lid lock moved up under influence of escaping gases. Nevertheless, venting times and lack of continuous venting demonstrated little impact. The higher lethal effects were noted when least product-entrapped air was modeled. Differences were noted between pressure processes monitored by dial gauge versus calibrated weighted-devices with more variation of the dial gauge system and greater lethal effect due to manual control basis. Besides lethal effect differences with product-entrapped air, the three positions of thermocouples registered least thermal effect at top portions of the jars. All manufacturers of domestic canning kettles emphasize periods of venting to eliminate air in the canners prior to the timed processing but this study only reflected suppressed lethal effects when containers manifested product-entrapped air.


Consumption of under-processed food constitutes a significant risk of food-borne illness. It is estimated that food-borne diseases cause approximately 76 million illnesses, 325,000 hospitalizations, and 5,000 deaths in the United States each year (Mead et al., 1999).

Air is a poor heat transfer fluid since it has low specific heat and thermal conductivity. Recommendations have been published seeking to ensure adequate venting of air from the pressure canner in manners similar to commercial practices where particularly for flexible pouches in stacks the call is to remove air from container external contact surfaces (Ramaswamy and Grabowski, 1996).

Several studies that have been carried out on evaluating the effect of air entrapped in flexible packages (retortable pouches) reported that air leads to decrease in the heating rate, reduction in heat transfer rate, and reduction in the accumulated lethality (Weintraub et al., 1989; Campbell and Ramaswamy, 1992; Ramaswamy and Grabowski, 1996; Brennan et al., 1976).

The main objectives of this study were to contrast canner types and to evaluate temperature distributions within model product with variation of three levels of product-entrapped air (three water-fill levels) within the three pressure canners during cooking cycles preceded by three venting schedules.

Materials and Methods


Three-by-three design space factors (venting times and water fill levels) were regressed with the RSREG procedure employing co-variables of unary types for the three canners and the thermocouple positions using the SAS® for Windows software (Copyright (c) 1999-2001 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC).

Results and Discussion

Table 1: Lethal Effects in Minutes based upon Direct Thermocouple Temperature Data

Table 2: Percentages of Lethal Effect of Points inside the Jars based upon Temperature Data Relative to Pressure Data

Notes: **** indicates significance p<0.0001; *** indicates significance p<0.005; ** indicates significance p>0.01; * indicates significance p<0.05; N.S. indicates not significant

Table 3: Percentages of Lethal Effect of Points outside of Containers based upon Temperature Data Relative to Pressure Data

Table 4: Percentages of Lethal Effect of Points inside Containers based upon Temperature Data Relative to Pressure Data Contrasting Categories of Venting Time

Notes: **** indicates significance p<0.0001; *** indicates significance p<0.005; ** indicates significance p<0.01; * indicates significance p<0.05; N.S. indicates not significant

Pressure Cookers Used

Left to right: All American, National Presto, Mirro

Experimental Setup



Selected References

This material is based upon work supported by the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, under Agreement No. 00-51110-9762.

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Permission is granted to reproduce these materials in whole or in part for educational purposes only (not for profit beyond the cost of reproduction) provided the authors and Alabama A&M University receive acknowledgment and this notice is included:

Reprinted with permission of Alabama A&M University. P. Wambura, J.C Anderson and L.T. Walker. 2004. Influence of Product-entrapped Air and Venting on Lethal Effect in Model Domestic Pressure Canner Studies. Normal, AL: Alabama A&M University, Food and Animal Sciences Department.

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National Center for Home Food Preservation Lloyd T. Walker, Ph.D., Chair
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