Effect of Fill Weight and Initial Temperature on
Processing Time for a Home Pickled Jicama Relish

H.H. Garner and E.L. Andress, Department of Foods and Nutrition, The University of Georgia, 208 Hoke Smith Annex, Athens, GA 30602-4356.

Paper 46B-6. Presented at the Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting Anaheim, CA, June 17, 2002.


Pickled vegetables are popular home preserved condiments. The increasing variety of produce in the marketplace offers opportunities for greater diversity in condiments such as salsa and relishes than has traditionally been available in the U.S. Jicama was studied for its potential use in home pickled products with a crisp texture. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of typical consumer procedural variations on heat penetration when processing an acidified jicama relish recipe. Variations were made in fill weight and initial temperature (IT) of the filled jars. An original recipe with an equilibrium pH of 3.5 was developed for heat penetration studies using a hot pack, pint jars and boiling water canner. Product temperatures were continuously recorded at the predetermined cold spot throughout come-up time, 35 minutes in boiling water, and air cooling of jars. Fifteen jars (five jars in each of three canner loads) were used for each procedural variation of fill weight and IT. Processing was done in a 17-quart boiling water canner on a household gas range. Fill weight had a significant impact on both maximum jar temperature obtained and final process time recommendation. Heat applied during come-up had no effect on jar temperature with the overfill. A decrease of 5°C (64.5 vs. 69.7) in IT had no effect on either maximum jar temperature reached at the end of come-up or the 35 minutes at boiling. However, analysis of the maximum jar temperature reached at the end of come-up or the 35 minutes at boiling. However, analysis of the worst case low IT jar would result in a longer process time than for the higher IT product. This study documents the effects of some consumer practices on process lethality for a cubed relish product. Overfills should be avoided to insure expected heating rates and final maximum temperatures. Specifying a minimum number of jars to a home canning recipe could be considered.



  1. As fill weight of jars increases, the f(h) value and required processing time will increase.
  2. As initial fill temperature of jars decreases, required processing time will increase.


A thermal process (home canning) recommendation was developed for pint jars of an original pickled vegetable relish (jicama, red and yellow bell peppers, onion, hot pepper, spices and vinegar/sugar brine), see Figure 1 (Garner and Andress, 2001). Determination of the cold spot for this product and jar combination was made using data collected for heat penetration curves at 5 potential cold spot locations in the jars in 12 canner loads, see Table 1.

Two levels of two procedural variations were used in testing for process calculations. Temperature profiles were compared for two fill weights (454g, 490g) and two fill temperatures (69.7°C, 64.5°C) of the relish. A total of 12 to15 data points (replications) at the determined cold spot were used for the process calculation. This was accomplished by using thermocouples in each of five jars in three different canner loads of each of the three fill methods (standard, low initial temperature, and overfill).

A total of 15 data points (replications) at the determined cold spot were used for the process calculation. This was accomplished by using thermocouples in each of five jars in three different canner loads of each of the three fill methods (standard, low initial temperature and overfill).

Processing was done in a boiling water canner using the stovetop burners of a household gas range (Magic Chef model 3267XTW). Data were recorded using an Ellab E-Val™ Monitoring System and software and Ecklund needle Type T copper-constantan thermocouples. Analysis of variance was used to determine if significant (p<0.01) differences existed between the treatments using the General Linear Model procedure in SAS 8.2 (2001).

Figure 1. Spicy Jicama Relish Recipe

9 c. diced jicama
1 Tbsp whole pickling spice
1 2-inch stick cinnamon
8 c. white 5% distilled vinegar
4 c. sugar
2 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes
4 c. diced yellow bell pepper
4-1/2 c. diced red bell pepper
4 c. chopped onion
2 fresh (about) 6” fingerhot peppers, finely chopped and partially seeded

  1. Wash, peel and trim jicama; dice.

  2. Place pickling spice and cinnamon on a double-layer of 100% cotton cheesecloth. Bring corners together and tie with a clean string.

  3. In a 4-quart Dutch oven or kettle combine pickling spice bag, vinegar, sugar, and crushed red pepper. Bring to boil, stirring to dissolve sugar. Stir in diced jicama, sweet peppers, onion and fingerhots. Return mixture to boiling. Reduce heat and simmer, covered, over medium-low heat about 25 minutes. Discard spice bag.

  4. Pack relish and syrup into 5 hot, clean pint jars, leaving ½-inch headspace. Wipe rims of jars; adjust two-piece metal canning lids. Process in boiling water canner.


Cold Spot Location

Table 1. Determination of Cold Spot Location
Thermocouple Height in Pint Jar Average
f(h) Value
Range Standard Deviation
  n = 12    
Center 29.5A1 24.6 - 34.1 2.9
½" Below Center 37.3B 32.3 - 41.4 2.9
1" Below Center 35.7B 30.7 - 40.2 2.9
1½" Below Center2 40.2B 37.2 - 44.0 1.9
2" Below Center 37.5B 34.4 - 43.6 2.8
1 Values with different letters in the same column are significantly different at p<.001.
2 Location of cold spot, as determined by largest individual f(h) value (worst-case scenario).

Thermal Characteristics of Jars Processed by Three Procedures

Table 2. Thermal Characteristics of Jars Processed by Three Methods
Low Fill
Total Fill Weight (Solids + Liquids) 454 g 490 g 454 g
Solids Fill Weight 354 g 472 g 354 g
  °C °C °C
Canner Initial Temperature (n=3)1 82.0 ± 0.6 82.7 ± 0.4 82.2 ± 0.4
Jar Initial Temperature 69.7 ± 2.0 73.2 ± 4.2 64.5 ± 2.0
Jar Temperature at Start of Boiling 80.4 ± 2.0 72.4 ± 2.5 79.5 ± 2.0
 Temperature change during come-up time + 10.7 - 0.8 +15.0
Jar Temperature after 35 Minutes of Boiling2 96.9 ± 0.5 91.3 ± 0.8 97.0 ± 0.3
 Maximum temperature change during process + 27.2 + 18.1 + 32.5
  Minutes Minutes Minutes
Maximum Time to Reach 90.5°C3 14 344 16
Recommended Process time (time at boiling)5 15 35 20
1 Heat penetration data for 12-15 jars were collected from 3 different canner loads.
2 Heat penetration data were collected for 35 mins once the canner was brought to boiling.
3 Values taken from worst-case individual jars; not averages.
4 One jar did not reach 90.5°C until two minutes into the cooling periood; its maximum temperature at the end of 35 minutes of boiling was 89.4°C.
5 Time needed to heat the product to 90.5° for one minute.

Effect of Fill Weight

Effect of Initial Jar Temperature

Table 3. Effect of Fill Weight and Fill Temperature on Heat Penetration.
Low Fill Temperature
Total Fill Weight (Solids + Liquid) 454g 490g 454g
Solids Fill Weight 354g 472g 354g
Jar Initial Temerature (°C) 69.7 ± 2.0A1 73.2 ± 4.2A 64.5 ± 2.0B
f(h) 33.5 ± 2.5A 61.1 ± 2.0B 34.6 ± 2.4A
Average Minutes to Reach 90.5°C at Boiling 2 11.3 ± 2.3A 34.8 ± 2.4B3 11.3 ± 2.4A
1 Values with different letters in the same row indicate a significant difference at p<.001.
2Time after water in canner returned to boiling. This comparison of averages is for statistical purposes; in practice, the process time would be determined by the slowest heating individual jar.
3One jar did not reach 90.5°C until two minutes into the cooling period; its maximum temperature at the end of 35 minutes of boiling was 89.4°C.


Implications for Future Research and Practice


  1. Andress, E.L. 2001. A national survey of current home canning practices in the U.S. Athens, GA: National Center for Home Food Preservation, Department of Foods and Nutrition, The University of Georgia, Unpublished data.

  2. Davis, C.A. and Page, L.1979. Practices used for home canning of fruits and vegetables. UDSDA Home Econ. Research Report, No. 43. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.

  3. Garner, H. H. and Andress, E.L. 2001. Effect of marinating procedure on pH of a pickled jicama relish. Undergraduate research study, Athens, GA: Department of Foods and Nutrition, The University of Georgia. Unpublished data.

  4. Statistical Analysis Software, v. 8.2 2001. Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc.

This material is based upon work supported by the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, under Agreement No. 00-51110-9762.

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Reprinted with permission of the University of Georgia. Garner H.H. and E.L. Andress. 2002. Effect of Fill Weight and Initial Temperature on Processing Time for a Home Pickled Jicama Relish. Athens, GA: The University of Georgia, Cooperative Extension Service.

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208 Hoke Smith Annex
The University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602-4356

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