In the famous tongue-twister Peter may have picked pickled peppers, but for the rest of us, we have to pick plain peppers then pickle them ourselves (or buy them). If you grow your own peppers then your harvest is likely slowing down as the summer draws to a close, so snatch up those last colorful peppers and preserve them for the months ahead.
Peppers are low-acid vegetables, so it is important to maintain the portions of ingredients as called for in tested, trusted canning recipes. The result is a safe, crispy, tangy snack, side, or ingredient for a dish.
Here are a few recipes for pickled peppers to try, including relishes that go great on hotdogs, burgers, or in pasta salads and a spicy hot sauce that will add fiery flavor to sauces, chili, soup...anything you put it in! Click the links below to view the complete recipes, procedures, and boiling water canning process times on the NCHFP website.